The Estuaries Section is 20 years old! The Section began in 1994 under the leadership of Donna Turgeon from NOAA Fisheries and started with 78 members. Now we have over 200! The Section has accomplished a great deal in this time and has much to be proud of. For example, at the 1997 annual meeting we organized an evening workshop on “New Essential Fish Habitat Policies and Implications”, in 2002 we helped prepare testimony for the Ocean Policy Commission, and in 2003 compiled member comments on the Pew Oceans Commission and US Ocean Commission reports. We have been working with NOAA Fisheries since 2002 to solicit and review nominations for the Dr. Nancy Foster Habitat Award, from 2007-2013 we partnered with the Southern Association of Marine Laboratories to support student travel to AFS annual meetings, and in 2006 we worked with the Marine Fisheries Section to launch the Marine and Coastal Fisheries Journal.
At the annual business meeting in Quebec City, Quebec we reviewed and celebrated these accomplishments and many more. Check out the Happy 20th Birthday Estuaries Section presentation for a more complete list of things to be proud of!