Monsters of Stock Assessment Workshop at AFS 2015 Annual Meeting

August 16, 2015, 12pm-3pm
Portland Hilton, Broadway I-II-III rooms

The AFS Estuaries and Marine Fisheries Sections are organizing a “Monsters of Stock Assessment” workshop at the 2015 AFS annual meeting in Portland. This workshop will bring together top professors from around the country to provide short lectures on critical aspects of stock assessment science. The goals of the workshop are to “de-mystify” stock assessment science, and to raise funds for the Estuaries and Marine Fisheries Section student travel awards.

Lecture topics include incorporating ecological interactions in stock assessments, communicating stock assessment methods and results, having fun with population dynamics models, and examining whether sex matters to models (a retrospective perspective).

The workshop name is a play on the 1980s “Monsters of Rock” tour that brought together the best heavy metal bands in the world to play together. The workshop will consist of opening remarks and then 8 twenty minute talks. The workshop will be a fund-raiser to benefit Estuaries and Marine Fisheries Section student travel awards for the AFS annual meeting. Attendees will be asked to offer a donation of $20 (students) or $40 (non-students).

Rick Methot, NOAA Science Advisor for Stock Assessments

Mary Fabrizio, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Selina Heppell, Oregon State University
John Hoenig, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Steve Cadrin, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
Terry Quinn, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
Patrick Sullivan, Cornell University
Jim Bence, Michigan State University
Rob LaTour, Virginia Institute of Marine Science

If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Lee Benaka